A Place For The Future Past

June 18, 2006, 3:27 pm
Filed under: Fun on the Road

JoAnne here.

I got an update from Maria yesterday. Well not so much an update but more a check-in. She reported that she had finally heard back from Greg (the other agent) but that he had called and left a message in response to an earlier message to him. Mostly he was whining about how hard it was to get ahold of the seller’s attorney, how unusual a transaction this was, etc, etc. One interesting nugget was that they might be interested in leasing the place to us in the meantime, during this endless interum. My input was that it should be with the assurance of a sale (of course TO US) at the end of it. That would be a far less desired resolution but it would at least get things rolling. It would also help speed the sale of my present home as we could get stuff moved out and plants moved.

Meanwhile the costume shop has never been busier. I have three weddings in progress, the Adeline jackets order, a handful of smaller orders and the light assortment of daily rentals.

The babies are growing well, they are providing many hours of entertainment for my mom, she can easily come out to rub them or view them from the window — I have built the nursery so that it is open to view from the house, about twenty five feet away. When the new place is set up, I want to be sure she can continue to easily interact with the animals, they are keeping her moving and happy. I’m also going to get her back into gardening there — on her own scale of course but mostly to keep her active, mentally and physically.

That’s the plan, anyway, at least part of it. And so I (continue to) wait.

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We bought some goat milk and cheese from a local owner; my, that’s good stuff! When the right time comes for the place, it will all happen. And congratulations on the shop work!

Comment by wolffood

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